


The Most Cutting-Edge Quantum Healing Modality on Earth

Our Jan 2025 class is sold out

Registrations now open for 2026! Weekly training held Online via Zoom over 8 consecutive Saturdays Jan 17-March 7, 2026


Our lives have completely transformed since we started working with Metatronic Healing.

Metatronic Quantum Healing is a highly specialized and advanced training for light workers who are ready to up-level and embody their highest potential.

Over the last 11 years, we have gone through this EXACT path of ascension, ourselves, with the close guidance of Archangel METATRON. Our well being, creativity, and abundance have SKYROCKETED, and we can’t wait to teach you this modality so you can experience this magic for yourself.

You will learn how to heal yourself and your loved ones, as well as create a THRIVING career as a Metatronic Quantum Healer, thereby stepping into your Soul’s Highest mission of Service, Empowerment, and Financial Sovereignty.

Upon completion of the course:

You will be qualified to set up your own business as a Certified Level 1 Metatronic Quantum Healer, working from a laptop anywhere in the world

You will be certified to give 1:1 Metatronic Healings to clients, friends and family

You will learn how to heal yourself at a DEEP SOUL LEVEL and therefore Quantum JUMP timelines, constantly up-leveling your reality into higher ones

Imagine this… in just 8 short weeks, you will significantly raise your vibrational frequency, blast open your psychic and telepathic senses, heal your deepest wounds, limiting beliefs and outdated programming, and learn a highly sought after and marketable skill as a Metatronic QUANTUM Healer.

Your life will Never be the Same!

We’re living our Heaven on Earth lifestyle, and YOU can too! 💕
Here’s a sneak-preview into the life of a Metatronic Healer...

You are a certified Metatronic Quantum Healer and have successfully set up your VIRTUAL healing business and online social media presence. You are traveling the world, being your own boss, living your DREAM LIFE with financial freedom, and enjoying freedom of time as you get to choose your own schedule.

Through the mindset shifts and SURGE of confidence you receive from this training, you are charging a worthy price for your sessions and have a consistent stream of regular clients who pay you for your services because of the LIFE-changing transformations they are consistently experiencing with you!

You are bringing in a consistent, Abundant income you can count on. No more barely scraping by… You’re bringing in more money than you thought possible – and with ease.

You work no more than 4 days a week in your Soul-Aligned business, doing the work you LOVE, in SERVICE to humanity, and getting paid for it! Your confidence, your vibration, your level of fulfillment and your abundance are shooting through the roof!

If you’re not ready yet, but still want the INSIDE SCOOP on this training, sign up for the Waitlist so you don’t miss out 😉

This training is just the First Step
to open up new Possibilities and magical new Timelines…

After the removal of these entities and implants, my higher intuition and ability to channel became crystal clear. I’m more in flow with my human experience, and my self-judgement is fading away and being replaced by a permanent sense of peaceful acceptance. Thank you 🥰🌟💛


What You Can Expect from Metatronic Healing

You will learn to HEAL cellular trauma & emotional wounds from childhood abuse and past lives, so you can restore yourself (and your clients) to the most balanced and healed version, ready to take on the world and step into your divine mission. You’ll feel like your TRUE and ACTIVATED self, perhaps for the very first time!

You will receive powerful Spiritual Activations from the ASCENDED MASTERS during this training to support your career as a Metatronic healer. Your vibration will skyrocket. Your psychic and intuitive gifts and abilities will blast open, opening up many NEW opportunities. There is a MASSIVE CALL FOR HEALERS right now to support the Great AWAKENING!

You will learn to FREE yourself (and your clients), once and for all, from unhealthy emotional patterns, keeping you stuck in addiction to food, media, porn, compulsive thinking and over-analyzing. You will learn how to connect with your own source of infinite COSMIC energy, which will continually energize and replenish you.

Your relationships with the ones you love will THRIVE as you learn how to stand in your power and communicate your truth. Un-aligned relationships will wither away, as you continually outgrow them. You will learn how to remove unhealthy cords of co-dependency that are draining your energy and keeping you stuck. And you will then help your clients do the same!

You will learn how to FREE yourself of Dark Entities, Implants,
J-Seals and negative mind patterns that keep you virtually locked in a 3D prison of negative thought forms. These skills are very much needed on the planet right now to support all the souls that are in dire need of these Entity & Implant healings!

Your Abundance will continue to EXPLODE as a result of being in the right space with the right people, clearing contracts and limiting beliefs around money, wealth, abundance, and self-worth.

You will align to your Soul’s purpose and enjoy a life full of freedom, passion, purpose, and deep fulfillment.

I have been waiting for three whole years for you to start teaching Metatronic healing! I have HEALED so RAPIDLY as a result of your numerous healings, and it brings me so much JOY that I now get to do the same for my clients. Thank you 💕


Ascend with your Tribe as you become the most sought-after Healers in the Galaxy! 

This Certification is for you if:

You’ve been on your healing journey for some time now and are ready to GRADUATE to the next level of your Soul’s Curriculum, while enjoying a THRIVING career

Your deepest desire is to unlock your hidden potentials as you live your most joyful, PURPOSEFUL, authentic, abundant life while showing up in service to humanity

You are dedicated to transcending and expanding your CONSCIOUSNESS by regularly up-leveling your skills and expanding your horizons

You are a born leader and your integrity, compassion, wisdom, love, and genuine desire to be of SERVICE are the guiding principles in your life

Stagnation and laziness are qualities that you don’t relate to. You take ownership and get things done because you are a MOVER and a SHAKER!

You refuse to accept limitations and are here to break all the freakin’ rules! It’s NEVER too late…

I have been waiting for three whole years for you to start teaching Metatronic healing! I have HEALED so RAPIDLY as a result of your numerous healings, and it brings me so much JOY that I now get to do the same for my clients. Thank you 💕


Metatronic Healers Training Curriculum, Level 1

* Curriculum is fully channeled and subject to change without notice

Entity & Implant Removals

Entities are negative astral beings that are parasitic in nature and feed off the LIFE-FORCE energy of humans. They are invisible to the naked eye and leech off your fear-based emotions by manipulating your behaviors subtly to keep you trapped in cycles of addiction, misery and overwhelm. In this course you will gain an in-depth understanding of how entities and implants work and how to remove them for yourself as well as others.

Activating the Cosmic Kundalini – your infinite source of Qi Energy

Kundalini is life-force energy – ACTIVATED Divine Feminine energy of infinite wisdom, passion, and creativity that lives inside every single one of us. In this training, you will receive a Cosmic KUNDALINI Activation to connect you with you your inner source of life-force energy, giving you more joy, vibrancy, creative flow and a significant increase in performance in all aspects of life.

Setting up a 12-D Metatronic Temple

The Metatronic Healing Temple is a powerful 12-D Angelic Quantum Container where MIRACLES take place! Setting up a strong energetic container before starting your sessions will allow much higher calibre of channelings, healings, and angelic support to flow through you.

Advanced clearing, healing, & activation of the 12-Chakras + Cord Cutting

Each of us has TOXIC ENERGETIC CORDS attached to our Chakras created out of our negative interactions and lower emotions (ego) such as anger, envy, insecurity, and so on! Cords keep you stuck in the past, causing the most loving relationships to crumble by fostering energies of resentment, guilt, and anger. Cords also suck your life-force energy. You will learn to identify and shatter these cords to free yourself (and your clients) and witness your relationships FLOURISH as a result.

Closing Black Holes and Dark Portals

Black Holes and Dark Portals are negative vortices of energy that slowly drain life-force out of you. They attach to your Chakra system over time through addictions and entity attacks. They result in lack of clarity, extreme fatigue and create a veil of illusion over your Earthly experience. It is imperative to identify and remove these so that you can reclaim your Soul’s power and live your life with vitality, thereby allowing more of Spirit in.

Canceling Contracts & Limiting Beliefs

Your reality is defined by a set of beliefs and contracts you have accepted at a deep soul level throughout your life, encoded within your DNA. This training will teach you how to identify CORE LIMITING BELIEFS and negative contracts. Once identified, these can be canceled and replaced at the DNA level with positive beliefs that allow for a more expansive and loving reality to be created. This is an absolute game-changer and can help you skyrocket to higher timelines in a very short span of time!

Quantum Metatronic MEDBED Chambers for deep DNA & Lightbody repair

Quantum Metatronic Medbed is a life-changing technology that was gifted to us by Archangel Metatron. Its a crystalline chamber that etherically surrounds your entire body and sends specific frequencies to help harmonize negative energies and disease within your field and restore balance & harmony within your aura & chakras.

Inner Child Trauma Healing

Whether you know it or not, you are walking through life with all the younger versions of you still hurting…the ones who did not receive love, and were never allowed to express their TRUEST feelings. Those aspects of you got FRAGMENTED in that time and the trauma was stored in your Lightbody, attracting similar situations in your current reality on repeat until you heal that core wound. Unless & until you become aware of these wounds, you can unconciously sabotage your abundance by over reacting and ruining PRIME opportunities for success. We’ll teach you how to heal these wounds so you can break free of the past once and for all and become the best version of yourself!

In addition to this Salivating Curriculum, you will give and receive numerous Healings and Activations within this program, Catapulting you to the next level 😊

We are excited to train an Army of some of the Best Quantum Healers on the Planet! Many of the Metatronic Healers will become your life-long friends and Spiritual “New Earth” Support Network.

These Activations & Healings I have received from EldoRa and Siman have upgraded me to a whole new level. So many Galactic beings Venusian, Lyrans, Hathors, and more are stepping in now. I’ve also been guided to use my voice to open portals, and heal the Earth 🌍. I just keep laughing with joy!!
So very grateful!



$5,555 USD
first 5 people get $555 off + FREE BONUS GIFT
Classes will be held Jan 17-March 7, 2026 over 8 Consecutive Saturdays, LIVE on Zoom

Meet EldoRa & Siman

We are Internationally renowned Galactic Shamans & expert Quantum Metatronic Healers with over a decade of experience. Through years of cleansing our vessels, and our Ego’s, we are able to channel pure Christed Source Frequencies, emanate unconditional love, and are here as Master Teachers to help humanity ascend.

Throughout our career of hosting plant medicine retreats, House of RA Ascension festivals, Planetary Grid Work Healing & Activations, and private 1-1 healings, we’ve had direct training from the Ascended Masters and Angelic Collective to bring forth spontaneous, miraculous healings & life-changing activations for thousands of Souls.

We are BEYOND excited to take you on this 8-week journey of a LIFETIME, and empower you with the same tools and techniques we’ve mastered over the past decade to heal yourself and others!

Brace yourself to leap LIGHT YEARS in your Ascension and Align with the life of your WILDEST dreams 💕



Off late your Activations feel different, of a higher level. They hit home, every time, not sure how you out-do yourselves like this ! The presence of all those beings of LIGHT from the higher dimension is so palpable. I don’t usually have much sensation of energy moving through my body, however this time I felt the buzzing very strongly. Especially at the bottom of my spine for the kundalini activation. I have been moving very fast through my Ascension because of these invaluable healings and teachings!! 💚💚💚

Valia – 2024

I am mindblown and soooo excited to commit even more to my path of mastery and ascension as a METATRONIC HEALER!!! These tools are priceless!! I can already feel the HUGE SHIFTS waiting to integrate in the upcoming days after this training! Thank you so much Eldora and Siman 💕  There are no words that can describe my immense gratitude for everything that you do! I LOVE being in this Ascension MOTHERSHIP together, with this soulfamily, growing at the speed of light while at the same time having probably the BEST TIME of all the “Spiritual” communities out there!! 😍 🎉  LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! Happy DNA upgrading everyone!

Starla – 2024

I am beyond words with gratitude. 💕💕💕 I was so blessed to bring this energy to my retreat last weekend. I am a totally upgraded version of myself. I stepped into my goddess and was guided with so much calm and clarity throughout the day. I did group healings that were so profound, people were really moved and the transformation for my retreat guests just from one day, blew my mind. I feel so different, so activated, so loved!! Actually crying now 😂😂 I can’t thank you guys enough. I feel so blessed to have stepped through this portal. It’s a MASSIVE timeline jump. My true soul essence is so so sweet… 🥰🥰

Magdalena – 2024


Our Jan 2025 Classes are SOLD OUT. To add yourself to the 2025 CANCELLATION list, email Be prepared to put your deposit down immediately if there is a cancellation.  We are now taking registrations for January 2026.  You may reserve your spot with a deposit using the checkout link on this page. Classes will be held online on zoom and meet over 8 consecutive Saturdays starting Jan 17, 2026.

This course is designed for live attendance as it includes one on one partner practice sessions which are an integral part of the training. We highly recommend that you attend live classes and stay up to date with your practice sessions. In case of emergency if you need to miss a class, please write to us and let us know in advance.

In case you are unable to attend a Live session due to an emergency, please let us know in advance by writing to In this case you can watch the replay that will be made available 48 hours or so after the live session. 

You are responsible to review the course materials in the replay and schedule a one on one session to practice the techniques with one of the other attendees from this class. We will not be able to assist in coordinating a practice session in case you miss a live class. 

***If you miss more than 2 live sessions, you will not be eligible to receive a certificate of completion unless you can demonstrate that you have completed all practice sessions required for the completion of this course.

Yes, we will send a completion certificate to you that you can print out. However, if you miss more than 2 live sessions and have not been able to complete the practice sessions related to those sessions, you will not be eligible for receiving the certificate of completion.

  1. We recommend completing the Activate your Guidance course as this will connect you to your higher guidance stronger than ever before. Activating your guidance is the best way to prepare for this course as it will significantly improve your ability to receive messages from your team of guides who will be assisting you in one on one healing sessions. This masterclass is also available as part of your NEMS monthly membership.
  2. We highly recommend doing our PSYCHIC PROTECTION MASTERCLASS, 6 modules where we teach you how psychic protection works, what entities are, how to protect your home/ assets/ vehicle, as well as basic techniques of entity extraction – this know-how can be hugely beneficial for your success as a healer, especially when you are educating your clients on such issues.
You experience the power of Metatronic Quantum Healing for yourself in our J-Seal, Entity & Implant Removal Quantum healing. Three of our MOST POWERFUL healings to date, one offered in a workshop setting where you get to pin point on the entity you’re extracting, before we extract it. With these Interferences removed, you will feel lighter and energized with more of your soul’s creative force returning to your body. This healing is also available as part of your NEMS monthly membership.

No, all deposits paid and all sales are final and non-refundable.

Yes, once you complete the Level 1 Training & Certification as a Metatronic Quantum Healer, attend all the live sessions, and complete all of the required one on one partner sessions for this course, you will be qualified to start seeing clients and charging for your services as a Quantum Metatronic Healer.

However, we suggest you start slow and start offering a few FREE practice sessions to family and friends before you begin taking on paid sessions with clients.
We are also going to be offering a business course to support your journey as a thriving Healer, in the near future.

Send us a message to set up a call or chat with a Member of our team!