Beautiful Soul!
We know you are not here by accident but because of a calling, a feeling .
We know that feeling because we were called too.
We didn't set out to be Galactic Shamans, Quantum Metatronic Healers or Earth Ascension Guides. We had never heard of the Order of Melchizedek or the Sisterhood of the Rose. We never planned to be DJ's and sound healers throwing transformational 5D New Earth Festivals around the world. In fact, we didn't even know what 5D New Earth was!
Not only have we achieved all of this, but we are living in the frequency of 5D New Earth now and expanding our gifts and offerings every day simply because we answered the call when we felt it . We transformed our ordinary 3D lives to Service-Oriented, Heart-Centered, Mission-Driven, Soulful living where we experience miracles every day. We have quantum leaped into a reality in which anything is possible and where our thoughts manifest into a reality that is even better than anything we could have dreamed of. And now we are teaching you all that we know. This is why we have created
Higher Learning for Starseeds & Lightworkers
From our New Earth Mystery School (NEMS), to Masterclasses Guided by the Ascended Masters, to our in-person transformational House of Ra "New Earth Music Festivals", all of our offerings and events are designed to help YOU experience 5D frequencies of limitless abundance and human potential.
We welcome you to ASCEND with us!
With Love,
EldoRa & Siman

The New Earth Mystery School (NEMS) is the core and most essential ongoing curriculum for Ascension University. It is a PORTAL into a higher dimension of reality that will fast track your ascension to experience 5D New Earth in your everyday life. NEMS is more than a curriculum; it is a way of living as you walk the path of Mastery to merge with your higher self and FULLY align with your Soul’s HIGHEST path for evolution and expansion.
At NEMS, we provide you with the life-changing spiritual tools, healings and knowledge to accelerate your journey of Awakening and ACTIVATE the intuitive gifts of your higher self to transform your daily lives. Our teachings empower you to authentically create Abundance, Love, and Purpose in your lives in alignment with your unique path in life. It is a Quantum field of infinite possibilities, where miracles are the norm.