REPLAY: Masterful Boundaries 🌹 ~ A Guided Workshop to CLAIM Your Energetic Space
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Everyone has a soul. Souls can be broken up, fragmented, due to life experiences leaving one feeling incomplete, not whole. The goal of the spiritual practice of “soul retrieval” is to recover those aspects of ourselves that have been lost to soul fragmentation so we can finally embrace our full potential and become …
Maybe you have had this sense that you are meant for something more, but you can’t quite figure out what. Maybe you love helping people, but you don’t know how to do that exactly. If this sounds like you, you just might be a Lightworker. Keep reading to see how you can embrace …
Observing an Aura is a form of visual clairvoyance that can be sensed spontaneously or on demand for those with psychic abilities. But anyone can see an aura, even if you have not specifically honed the skill. Occasionally, people claim to have observed a friend’s Aura while speaking with them or the colors around …
Harmonizing our ego is one of the most important aspects of living a spiritual life. Our egos say that we, as individual humans, are in the driver seat of life and it prevents us from surrendering to the greater truth, the greater universe of energy. A spiritual rebirth occurs when the ego is no …
What is a Spiritual Rebirth and how do Harmonize your Ego? Read More »
Your Third Eye is an ethereal consciousness center that is located in the middle of your forehead. You may have heard that unlocking your Third Eye will offer you increased intuition, but it also provides you with enhanced perception and spiritual insight that you cannot see with your physical eyes. That is why learning …
Increasing Intuition: Opening your Third Eye Chakra Read More »
5D or the 5th dimension is a state of being that is not limited by the physical reality as we know it. The end of 3D systems and the commencement of heavenly ones are brought about by 5D consciousness. The transformation might occur over time or in the blink of an eye, but …
The Magic of 5D New Earth: Exploring the 5th Dimension Read More »
If you feel trapped, depressed, lethargic, or as though a black cloud or sinister energy is stalking you like a nasty ex-boyfriend, it can be a result of having negative energy in your life.. Making it a practice to clear yourself and the spaces you reside in of any unsettling, lower vibrational energy …
How to Raise your Vibration and Get Rid of Bad Energy Read More »
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