Man jogging across the wet sand at sunset with the reflection of the sun shining brightly across the water

Preparing for The Great Solar Flash: Healing & Raising Your Frequency

Man jogging across the wet sand at sunset with the reflection of the sun shining brightly across the water


Earth is experiencing a steady stream of intense energies from the great central sun that are getting more frequent and more intense, working up to the Great Solar Flash. These energies are raising the frequency of our planet, and when the human auric field is clear and susceptible, you can ride the wave of these intense energies and be catapulted forward on your ascension journey. The X-Class Solar Flares that have been reaching Earth in the last few months are the most powerful we have experienced in the last 20 years. It is really up to each of us how we will be affected by the solar flares and ultimately the Great Solar Flash based on our frequency, mindset, and how much healing and clearing we have accomplished.



The Great Solar Flash Is The Ultimate Burst of Galactic Energies 


The Great Solar Flash is an event predicted by many who are attuned to Galactic knowledge systems. The Great Solar Flash will bring great change to Earth, raising the frequency of Mama Earth and all of her inhabitants. Lower frequencies will no longer be able to thrive on Earth. Since 2012 Earth has been receiving high intensity solar flares daily and the intensity has been rising. The extreme Light that is streaming in from the sun puts a spotlight on humanity’s shadows, bringing every wound, buried emotion, and trigger to the surface to be healed and released. The Great Solar Flash is imminent! Many people who are consciously walking their ascension path are preparing for the Great Solar Flash and have learned how to ride the wave, experiencing the high intensity of the solar flares with ease and excitement.



The Great Solar Flash Will Change The World As We Know It


The Great Solar Flash can be described as a huge surge of galactic energies from the sun. Think solar flare times a thousand or even a million. The powerful energies that are pouring in from the sun are changing Earth’s energies so humanity is affected by each solar flare. Human bodies have an auto-correct system which enables our bodies to recalibrate with Earth’s energies as they change. This is extremely necessary during the Great Solar Flash and the intensity of the solar flares that are currently streaming in. Though if the auric field of a human is out of sinc it makes it difficult for the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to sinc with the changing frequencies of Earth.


If you are holding on to old patterns and beliefs, have unresolved trauma in your field, or are stuck in a low frequency, then the solar flares could be affecting you with any of the symptoms below:


  • Night Sweats or Hot Flashes
  • Unexplainable pains in the body
  • Fatigue or lack of motivation
  • Mood swings, Anxiety, or Depression
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Escapism, addictions, resistance to being on Earth
  • Memory and cognitive issues
  • Digestive issues
  • Loss of identity and behavior changes

Woman relaxing in nature, gazing into the bright setting sun, overlooking a a vast landscape



Heal and Clear Your Auric Field to Prepare For The Great Solar Flash 


There are ways to re-calibrate your auric field so that you can ride the solar flare waves and ultimately the Great Solar Flash with ease. The goal is to transmute and release any energetic blocks from the past that keep you stuck in the illusion of denseness and dis-ease in the physical reality. It is important to clear all stagnant energy within your physical, emotional, and etheric bodies so that you have a healthy flow of energy and you can easily sinc with Earth’s frequency.


As you begin to raise your frequency along with Earth in preparation for the Great Solar Flash there are some symptoms that you may experience that are considered ascension symptoms:


  • Gut issues and unusual cravings
  • Erratic sleep patterns
  • Nausea, dizziness, and headaches
  • Unusual aches and pains
  • Brain fog and lack of focus
  • Feeling ungrounded
  • Random emotional outbursts
  • Ego death, depression, dark night of the soul


Though these symptoms can be uncomfortable, once you surrender to the process you can move through the symptoms without too much trouble and with an understanding that you are undergoing an immense change but you will come out feeling lighter and more like your true self.


Raise your frequency – change the world. I think we are all done with 3D drama, suffering, pain, and illusion.


New Earth Mystery School (NEMS) offers a SOLAR FLASH ATTUNEMENT & LIGHTBODY UPGRADE, which will provide you with tools and tips to harmonize the energies coming into Earth right now, teach you how to transform challenges into strength, and you will also receive a powerful quantum healing and lightbody attunement.

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