A woman sitting on a sandy beach in a meditative pose, facing the beautiful blue ocean and clear sky.

Soul Fragmentation & How to Become Whole Again

A woman sitting on a sandy beach in a meditative pose, facing the beautiful blue ocean and clear sky.


Everyone has a soul. Souls can be broken up, fragmented, due to life experiences leaving one feeling incomplete, not whole.


The goal of the spiritual practice of “soul retrieval” is to recover those aspects of ourselves that have been lost to soul fragmentation so we can finally embrace our full potential and become closer to the Source.



What is Soul Fragmentation?


Soul fragmentation means your soul is broken up; it is not whole. Trauma is the leading cause for your soul to be fragmented. Trauma always affects our sensitive mental and emotional bodies. Every trauma, no matter how great or small, breaks up a piece of the soul.


Abuse, accidents, divorce, violence, shock, denial, and wrath are a few examples of trauma. However, trauma can also result from more everyday life experiences – like a parent forgetting a child’s birthday, or a partner telling the other that they’ve gained weight, or a boss unexpectedly letting you go from your job.


The soul is aware of its limits and uses the body as a safety net to prevent itself from experiencing all of the agony. The body stores the energy and it can be too overwhelming for the system, so there can be a dissociation from the pain. A soul fragments to save the whole.


The energy flow within our souls might be impeded or blocked by lost or imprisoned parts of ourselves. Physical sickness can result from poor spiritual circulation since all systems are interconnected.


Following are some signs of soul fragmentation:

  • Feeling blocked, uncreative, unable to figure things out
  • Feel empty, devoid of purpose, unable to concentrate and aimless in life
  • Experiencing deep depression and suicidal thoughts
  • Issues with memories or memory loss from crucial years of early childhood
  • Long-term, persistent detachment, and depersonalization
  • Lack of ability to anchor oneself, feel safe, have a calm nervous system even with therapy and modalities that technically should help
  • Repetitive life patterns that you can’t break free from – like dating the same kind of person over and over again, or unable to resolve issues with a family member
  • Numbness, bewilderment, and an inability to sense the motions of the subtle body
  • Extreme fear, unexplainable phobias
  • Hypervigilance in life, always looking over your shoulder
  • Unable to feel connected with others



Healing for Soul Fragmentation


You can repair the fragmentation of your soul on your own if it is not too severe. Sometimes you might fail to notice the cracks in your spirit and may need the help of a Shaman or Lightworker.


The following are possible soul fragmentation healing techniques:

  • using EFT
  • retrieving a soul using a shaman
  • hypnotherapy
  • energy therapy
  • meditation


Everyone has dealt with some sort of soul fragmentation in their life. Sometimes just doing a Soul Retrieval meditation can help, even if you don’t know what you are seeking to retrieve. Often it is best to let your energy body do the work and let the memories surface on their own. We invite you to do this free guided soul retrieval meditation that has help thousands of people feel more whole again.


Performing prayer, even the non-religious kind, can help with soul fragmentation. You can say something along the lines of “Dear Supreme Being, who art in heaven, please help heal and restore all of my energy and soul back to me so that I may become complete, whole, and perfect again as I was with you before the worlds were.”


Lifestyle changes also have a big effect on our soul and can help when you are working on repairing a soul fragmentation by creating safety in the body. This includes things such as abstaining from alcohol and drugs, engaging in creative pursuits (music, painting),  eating colorful, nutritious foods to boost your frequency, exercising and meditating.


It takes fortitude to face and overcome fear to salvage a soul piece. To face your fear, you must experience it and then go through it confidently. Being courageous requires facing something even if you are terrified because it is your duty to do so.


While a Shaman’s or Lightworker’s instruction is typically required for soul recovery after soul fragmentation, there are various ways to start the process of re-establishing contact with your soul on your own.


A woman standing in warrior pose against a beautiful scenic background with trees and a lake in the distance.

Exercise awareness and meditation


Working on re-establishing a connection with yourself and your hobbies is a smart place to start because soul fragmentation can make you feel disconnected. Do something you LOVE to do, to bring a spark of life back to you.



Reach out to your guides


Communicate with any spirit guides—whether they are ancestors, gods, or angels—you feel drawn to. You can visualize yourself speaking with your guides when hypnotized or in a meditative condition. Receiving the viewpoint of unconditional love from these mentors and holding that emotion wherever you need it may also be beneficial.


For more help connecting and communicating with your spirit guides, check out this masterclass.



Test out hypnosis


Use guided self-hypnosis audios to enter a hypnotic state. At first, it could seem quite far away, but persevering with the exercise is worthwhile. Or seek out professional hypnotherapists that specialize in regression.


You will end up developing your intuitive feeling sense, your psychic talents, as well as a close, supporting relationship with the spiritual realm, your soul, and the storehouse of resources inside you via this serious practice of hypnotic envisioning and healing.



Final Thoughts


Restoring the soul and the self to wholeness and remembering those aspects of ourselves that have become divided and disconnected as a result of the grief and suffering we have encountered are the goals of the deep healing practice of repairing your soul fragmentation.


You can start to make your soul whole again so that you can become the spiritual person you were always intended to be with some help from your spirit guides and a Lightworker.

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