A Full Day Online Immersive Experience with EldoRa & Siman



Live from Glastonbury

Amplify your Connection with
Spirit, Activate your HIGHEST Timelines,
and Quantum Jump in your Ascension
through the 07-07 Portal!


10 am – 4:30 pm EST

  • 144,000 Frequency Attunement – Connecting to Higher Dimensions (Guided Activation)
  • Overview of the Tree of Life and how you can use it as a high-level Map of Ascension
  • Gift of your personal Sword of Light – Guided Activation from Ascended Master MERLIN
  • How to use your Sword of Light to accelerate in your Evolution
  • Activate your SYCLICAL CHAKRA to access knowledge and guidance from higher dimensions
  • Guided 5D Breathwork Journey to reach higher states of Consciousness
  • HATHOR Crystal Bowl Sound Healing – Activating your Divine Feminine Codes

This event is suitable for spiritual seekers of all levels from beginner to advanced

While the 07.07 portal is now closed, all the Activations and healings here will still be received by those watching the replay.

* A recorded REPLAY with Lifetime Access will be available to all ticket holders

"I experienced SO MANY breakthroughs at the New Earth Music Festival in Tulum, and DEEP healing beyond words. I integrated my inner child fully and healed my abandonment childhood issues. I even healed some past life lineage traumas. I have such love and deepest sincere gratitude, love, honor, trust, respect for everything you do EldoRa and Siman. Thank you for answering the call to help guide us and direct us to our highest path and setting the stage for New Earth. To my soul family whom I feel completely at home with each and everyone of you. I know any of us would have each other's back at any time. We truly are one tribe and One Heart Drum. I love you all!! And I am deeply grateful to myself for listening to the call and saying "Fuck Yes" to Tulum! I've learned so much and feel like incredible things are coming in my own life as I Rise to my calling of opening a Reiki healing center. So let's all go out and live in the moment, continue to rise our light and show the way and heal this world! Cant wait to see you all in Europe it will be beyond Epic! I love you all!" - Amunta
"Oh WOW! The 222 Portal was beyond my wildest expectation! Thank you for 2 spectacular days, words can hardly express how freakin amazing it was 🙌✨💖 Never before have I experienced such a packed experience of serious activations, deep healings, releases, insights, magical journeys AND fun…Such well orchestrated Magic it’s truly divine ✨ Deep deep work took place within me and many long term issues where transformed ✨ So happy and humbled to really feel a part of this beautiful Soul family, feeling the love and community together! Mega in love with us all + my gorgeous and delicious Lion Kali! The DEEP ecstatic joy and love from that encounter and these days, are forever imprinted in my heart 💎💙💎 Love you guys - Thank you Thank you Thank you 💖💕💖 Ps whatever you offer from now on, I'm In !!! 😁" - Glinda Ra
"😮WOW, what a fantastic, super Awesome, Crazy but fucking beautiful experience the New Earth Music Festival was❤️❤️❤️ I have never laughed, cried, healed and danced all at once in such a short span, ever. This was the best ever journey and funtime for my inner child that I cannot even begin to express... I am a being who never surrounded myself with numbers... quality is my thing. But now I have met 100's of beautiful souls and I don't feel crowded but blessed to be a part of such a huge and beautiful soul family 😇😍😍 I have so much Gratitude for EldoRa and Siman for bringing us together. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart 🙏🕉️❤️❤️❤️" - Kuldip




This course is suitable for spiritual seekers of all levels from beginner to advanced

Day 1

  • Anatomy of the Merkaba Light body in a lecture format with slides and diagrams
  • What is the Merkaba and how can we utilize its infinite potential to become a Manifestation/Abundance Master?
  • How to activate your higher spiritual guidance
  • Guided Healing session with Siman and our Metatronic Light technicians to REPAIR, HEAL and ACTIVATE your Merkaba.

Day 2

  • How to Program and Command your Merkaba
  • Higher Self Attunement – A guided higher-self-merger journey led by EldoRa Merkaba
  • Activation led by Siman with Metatronic Light Technicians Guided
  • Astral Journey to Sirius-B led by EldoRa to meet with the “Royal Guard of Sirius-B” and receive Spiritual Activations from them.

Total Duration: 11.9 hours

Recommended to complete in 2-3 days

* The replay gives you LifeTime Access to the full event – Starseed Activation 2-22-22 Christed Portal

Equinox Cord Cutting Ritual

with AA Michael

Release stale energetic tethers, hooks, and ATTACHMENTS that are keeping you in recursive LOOPS and Negative Patterns

Expand your heart chakra, and release heaviness

Get infused with Christed Light Frequencies and ACTIVATE your DORMAT DNA

Total Duration: 4.38 hours

* The replay gives you LifeTime Access to the full event – Cord Cutting Ceremony with AA Michael and Shamanic Cacao Ceremony.

Meet Your Hosts

Eldora & Siman are a Soulmate Couple and Internationally Renowned Ascension Coaches, Metatronic Healers, Angelic Channels, and Earth Guides. They are here to play an Instrumental Role in Humanity’s Ascension and have dedicated their lives to Assist Souls Awaken to their Divine Purpose on Earth.

Their YouTube Channel “EldoRa & Siman” has gained an international audience with over 2M views within a short span of two years. They are Founders of the Melchizedek Rose Mystery School, which offer spiritual seekers the next level of curriculum for advanced mastery.

Their Conscious DANCE company, “House of RA”, is creating a movement, world-wide, by bringing kindred souls together to ANCHOR Love, Light, Abundance, Peace, and Harmony into the grids of Gaia as well as all of our own personal lives. EldoRa (A.K.A. ‘RA Child’) and Siman (A.K.A ‘Siman RA’) are the resident DJ’s of House of RA. Their celebrations have been uniting Starseeds and Lightworkers through music, sober dancing, heart-connection, Quantum Healing Workshops, DNA Activations, and Ceremony around the world. Their EPIC Deep-House music sets broadcast an angelic 432 Hz Christed-frequency that invokes a transcendental heart-opening experience for music revelers.

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Message us here with any questions you may have about upcoming event(s) or if you’re a professional looking to collaborate / work with us. We will only be replying to pertinent messages.

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