The silhouette of a woman sitting meditatively on a swing is shown against the sunset near the ocean and trees.

What is a Spiritual Rebirth and how do Harmonize your Ego?

The silhouette of a woman sitting meditatively on a swing is shown against the sunset near the ocean and trees.


Harmonizing our ego is one of the most important aspects of living a spiritual life. Our egos say that we, as individual humans, are in the driver seat of life and it prevents us from surrendering to the greater truth, the greater universe of energy. A spiritual rebirth occurs when the ego is no longer in control, allowing for a true and authentic expression of the self that views the world from a more elevated perspective.  A natural way of being is revealed.


This spiritual rebirth can fully awaken a person’s spiritual energy or can give them a huge leap forward in learning and embracing their full spiritual potential.



Spiritual Rebirth Process


The concept of spiritual rebirth supports the potential of achieving Higher Consciousness, or moving into a fifth dimensional (5D) way of living, within this lifetime. When that happens, you actively reconnect your mortal self with the Divine Source and unleash the power inside.


Everyone’s experience of spiritual rebirth will be slightly different, but for most individuals, it involves three key aspects.


You’ll first feel at ease and have a clear mind. By being present and in integrity with yourself.


You will naturally find that the way you interact with the world around you changes as you step out of victim and blame consciousness into understanding that you are the creator of your reality. You’ll better know how to navigate the  people and the environment around you, with unconditional love and firm boundaries.


Finally, you will realize that you are not truly connected to everything around you but rather that everything is a part of you and that you are a part of everything. What you do onto others, you do to yourself.


A spiritual rebirth occurs when someone reaches a stage of development when they have let go of many internal attachments of their beliefs about the world and themselves and a more harmonious way of being emerges..


A woman with eyes closed and arms outstretched is experiencing a moment of bliss and freedom while walking in nature.


To utilize a common seed/plant metaphor, the spiritual rebirth process is similar to the following:

  • The seed represents human spiritual development, which is shielded by the unconscious ego shell that is designed to keep you in survival
  • The original ego begins to melt, which feels wonderful, calm, etc. The shell breaks via an event, an awakening or overtime through gradual spiritual labor.
  • Then comes a period of working through the internal muck/darkness – your shadow self – during which there is healing from previous lack of awareness, attachments, and suffering. You learn to forgive yourself and others and to love those darkest parts about yourself. The world as you know it may collapse around you as you transition from the old you to a new you. This can be referred to as a dark night of the soul. Like a seed that first begins to show signs of life, the growth that is happening is underground.
  • Getting out of the dirt and acclimating to the light is the next step which involves further healing and some spiritual development.
  • The individual will start to blossom and continue to work through deeper layers of fundamental difficulties and attachments as they start to settle inwardly.
  • As the plant bears fruit, the individual lives and behaves in new ways that completes their spiritual rebirth into a new person.


The process of spiritual awakening and rebirth can feel like a lonely road as you separate yourself from who you were to who you are becoming, It can be helpful to join open minded, heart centered spiritual communities like our New Earth Mystery School where you learn essential skills to walk the path and are surrounded by like minded individuals who are supportive, accepting and walk this path side by side with you.




Steps for Achieving a Spiritual Rebirth


The process of a spiritual rebirth will look different for everyone, and the pathways for achieving this rebirth will be as unique as the person. However, there are certain tried and true methods that others before you have used that are helpful with starting and moving the spiritual rebirth process forward.



Let Go of Your Ego


Everyone needs to cope with ego, which is a byproduct of our thinking. To go forward, become peaceful, and begin your path toward a spiritual rebirth, it is essential to harmonize your ego. Pay attention to your belief systems. When you step out of our ego, you begin to see what truly is, and what is simply a projection of your belief systems.



Stay Honest with Yourself


Although being completely honest with oneself is never simple, doing so is essential as you strive for a spiritual rebirth. We spend a lot of our lives trying to be someone we are not. When you stay in your integrity and speak your authentic truth, you grow in your confidence in being this new version of yourself. The goal is to speak and act with love, not judgment. That is when you know your ego has been harmonized.



Take Full Responsibility


We have been taught to blame outside circumstances and others for our lives. the truth is you are the creator of your reality – your life is your creation. As you awaken you begin to see how the choices and decisions you made have led you to where you are now, what can seem like “circumstances out of your control” become messages to you that some aspect of your life needs to be modified. Your soul is asking for change. It is a wake up call! When you let go of victim consciousness, you empower yourself to change your perspective and create a different way of being. Your capacity to view the world and spirituality through fresh eyes is substantially enhanced by this capacity to be receptive to a new viewpoint.



Learn to Forgive


You can make room and energy for mental growth by forgiving both yourself and others who have wounded you. You will be able to concentrate more easily, unwind more completely, and more fully accept the concepts put out to you as you seek spiritual awakening and rebirth with the help of this newly discovered space.



Accept your Fears


Acknowledging your worries can free up mental space and energy to advance spiritually, much like learning to forgive oneself. Fears frequently erect barriers and keep you from achieving goals that you truly want to make. The capacity to embrace and confront one’s concerns frequently marks the most significant distinction between individuals who are spiritually open and those who are having difficulty with spirituality.



Practice Mindfulness


Meditation, journaling and gentle movement, like yoga, walking or tai chi are productive methods for developing awareness. These activities help you stay centered, declutter your thoughts, and establish connections with your environment and your body. It also enables you to critically and objectively examine your own thoughts.


A woman stretching and doing yoga on the beach facing the ocean with the wind in her hair.


Open your Mind to Love


You will be able to find serenity and calm easier by allowing yourself to consider the possibility of loving and being loved completely, unconditionally and wholly as you are. You’ll be able to communicate with higher beings and the wider universe more effectively thanks to these emotions. HIgher consciousness, or 5D ways of being, show unconditional love for all things as they are. They do not have to accept or condone negative behavior, but they can see it for what it is and not sink misery about it.


Invest in Your Growth


When you are being reborn spiritually, it is helpful to read books, listen to podcasts and watch content that can help you grow and understand this new world. There is a lot of content out there and so it is important to be discerning as you invest in your spiritual growth and not get stuck in lower vibrational traps that don’t help you continue to grow. This is a never ending journey of growth and possibility so continue to learn and grow! You can take a course or learn a healing modality. Let your intuition guide you!



Getting Another Lightworker to Help You With Your Spiritual Rebirth


Lightworkers have a strong sense of intuition and follow their inner direction. They have gone through this awakening process and can help you navigate the process. A Lightworker can use their powerful abilities to help you either start your spiritual rebirth or guide you along the journey.They frequently have the ability to discern the feelings and wants of other living things, which allows them to focus their healing abilities on those who are in need. Lightworkers also believe in harnessing their good energies and healing abilities to help others heal and feel better.


Lightworkers that have advanced in their spiritual growth have the ability to connect with their higher self in an individual and unique way which helps them operate on a higher level of consciousness. By doing this, they are able to understand the world better and see things that other people either cannot see or are not willing to face.


A Lightworker will be able to help point out areas that people need improvement on or fear in a gentle way to help them understand and release the feelings holding them back.



Final Thoughts


Everything we have stated above will help you achieve your spiritual rebirth if you are actively working towards a better state of consciousness. Be careful not to get distracted by the process’ details or going step by step. Instead, keep your attention on the goal of experiencing a spiritual rebirth and just apply the advice in the manner that feels right to you.

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