Metatronic healers academy

Beautiful Soul!

We know you are not here by accident but because of a calling, a feeling .
We know that feeling because we were called too.

We didn't set out to be Galactic Shamans, Quantum Metatronic Healers or Earth Ascension Guides. We had never heard of the Order of Melchizedek or the Sisterhood of the Rose. We never planned to be DJ's and sound healers throwing transformational 5D New Earth Festivals around the world. In fact, we didn't even know what 5D New Earth was!

Not only have we achieved all of this, but we are living in the frequency of 5D New Earth now and expanding our gifts and offerings every day simply because we answered the call when we felt it . We transformed our ordinary 3D lives to Service-Oriented, Heart-Centered, Mission-Driven, Soulful living where we experience miracles every day. We have quantum leaped into a reality in which anything is possible and where our thoughts manifest into a reality that is even better than anything we could have dreamed of. And now we are teaching you all that we know. This is why we have created

Higher Learning for Starseeds & Lightworkers

From our New Earth Mystery School (NEMS), to Masterclasses Guided by the Ascended Masters, to our in-person transformational House of Ra "New Earth Music Festivals", all of our offerings and events are designed to help YOU experience 5D frequencies of limitless abundance and human potential.

We welcome you to ASCEND with us!

With Love,
EldoRa & Siman



Event Eldora


The New Earth Mystery School (NEMS) is the core and most essential ongoing curriculum for Ascension University. It is a PORTAL into a higher dimension of reality that will fast track your ascension to experience 5D New Earth in your everyday life. NEMS is more than a curriculum; it is a way of living as you walk the path of Mastery to merge with your higher self and FULLY align with your Soul’s HIGHEST path for evolution and expansion.

At NEMS, we provide you with the life-changing spiritual tools, healings and knowledge to accelerate your journey of Awakening and ACTIVATE the intuitive gifts of your higher self to transform your daily lives. Our teachings empower you to authentically create Abundance, Love, and Purpose in your lives in alignment with your unique path in life. It is a Quantum field of infinite possibilities, where miracles are the norm.

Unlock your Superhuman Potential


Pleiadean 6D Ka Light Circuitry Activation

Repair, Activate & Program Your Merkaba

Cord Cutting with Archangel Michael

Merlin 144,000 Excalibur Activation

Psychic Protection Masterclass

Break throughs & Miracles

When I first saw you both, I was both triggered and intrigued - the perfect recipe for growth! I have Quantum Leaped into my HIGHEST timeline since I found you on YouTube. I've invested in ALL of your offerings - Merkaba, Cord Cutting, Merlin, Psychic Protection and became a NEMS GOLD member even when finances were tight. I attended the New Earth Music Festival in Croatia on borrowed money I didn't have, knowing this was important. And now I realize why the pull was SO strong- my entire life has transformed since!

You offer more than you ask for in return. I have transformed all aspects of my life and healed more than I could have ever imagined in just one year!! I am in DEEP gratitude to you both, EldoRa & Siman, for all that you bring to this world in service to humanity. I am honored to be part of this Vortex surrounded by Soul Family 💕

- Vanita

The investment I made in myself by being a dedicated student in the New Earth Mystery School has strengthened my spiritual development and heightened my spiritual gifts to LEVELS I didn't think were possible! My life has been forever changed in the most PROFOUND ways. I find myself moving rapidly through my journey from 3D to 5D based on the teachings you so lovingly and freely share with us. My guidance is off-the-charts. My zest for life is returning. My life is filled with passion and purpose. My abundance is SKYROCKETING in the most mysterious ways! And to top it all off, I have found the most loving soul family. I love, adore, and honor you both so much, EldoRa & Siman.

- Shane

I feel so grateful for EldoRa and Siman and for NEMS. So so grateful. The teachings are immense for me. The video with Siman and Nicole reminded me how much I need these perspectives, these reminders, these teachings, my soul yearns for them and my old life before this felt so unaligned and inauthentic. So so so grateful for the gift of my soul remembering through you guys! ❤️

- Siri

I'm so grateful for having EldoRa & Siman be a part of my spiritual journey. It was through their channeled wisdom that I was able to recognize and learn the ego lessons. Since joining NEMS, my Ascension journey has miraculously fast tracked. My 8 year old daughter is also a part of this Mystery School and is such a devoted student. With so much love and gratitude!

- Isis

I dreamed I would heal some of my darkest wounds. I just never realized how easy it would be when I just let go into the loving arms of my whole soul family. ❤️💫 My inner child is finally free to feel love again. Thank you EldoRa & Siman for holding so much space and love in your hearts to allow us to heal and truly feel safe during the process.

- Carlo

Beautiful soul family, the waves of love, remembrance, joy, tears and release are flowing. I am crying as I write this message. I am so grateful - you are all so needed in this world - well done for showing up, doing the inner work and keep shining your love and light 💕♥️💕♥️💕 what a week. Thanks to Eldora and Siman

- Emma

Beautiful Soul Family, thank you for all your love, kindness, inclusivity, wisdom, support, understanding and camaraderie 🙏❤️😊🌈☀️! My heartfelt gratitude to Dear Eldora and Siman for leading us on this very BLESSED JOURNEY - from our heads to our HEARTS - helping us realize our innate DIVINITY 🙏❤️🙏❤️!

- Reetica


Message us if you have questions about upcoming events or if you are a professional facilitator looking to collaborate with us for NEW EARTH MYSTERY SCHOOL or in-person events. Due to the high volume of emails, we will only be responding to pertinent messages.

    Send us a message to set up a call or chat with a Member of our team!