The ART of clearly receiving GUIDANCE from your personal team of Guides, Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels, is one of the greatest and most sought-after strengths you can build as you navigate your life’s Journey. It’s like having a special ops army, constantly surveying all angles and timelines and whispering in your ear the best path to take in every moment of your life!

The ability to clearly receive GUIDANCE will accelerate your ascension path, and we are teaching you everything we know on the subject, as well as activating your higher chakras to make this process easier.

After this two part Masterclass and Activation, you will
enjoy regular communication with your spirit guides that will help you
navigate this third density reality with heightened ease and grace.

Part 1: Activate Your Guidance Masterclass

  • Who are Spirit Guides & What can Guides help with?
  • Why do guides help us & Why is it important to tap into Guidance?
  • How do your Guides communicate with us?
  • How to differentiate between Higher Guidance, the Ego/Mind and negative interference
  • Avoiding interference while connecting to your Guides
  • Affirmations to strengthen Guidance
  • Decree to remove lower level guides
  • Common blocks / resistance to Guidance
  • Guidance Code of Ethics
  • Techniques, such as EFT tapping, using a pendulum and automatic writing to help you connect with your guides
  • Modified Chakra Settings for optimal Guidance

In the second part of this Master teaching, we facilitate a powerful Lightbody & Channeling Chakra Activation to integrate all that you learn at the workshop and further strengthen YOUR connection to Source.

Part 2: Channeling Chakra Lightbody Activation

  • Access your personal Guidance Temple in the higher dimensions
  • Meet your Spirit Guides
  • Learn about the Golden Crown Activation and the associated
    Chakras (Crown, Third Eye Chakra, Alta Major, Causal &
    Side Chakras)
  • Receive a Golden Crown Diamond Activation to connect you
    with your Highest Self Avatar in the 5th dimension

Are you following a spiritual teacher and see how easily they can channel on the SPOT? How many stories have you heard of people who say “I was pulled” or “I felt Guided” to go a new direction or talk with this person or start a huge successful project?

After this fun and interactive LIFE-CHANGING Masterclass packed with tools, tips, and techniques you will have the same access to Your Personal Guidance Team

Imagine yourself having confidence and certainty in your decisions, being able to do what doesn’t make sense but feels right, and never feeling alone in your journey.

As you begin to develop a relationship with your internal guidance system, big decisions feel effortless, your anxiety dissipates, and you feel the loving support of the Universe. Your guides are your best friends and know you and your soul plan better than your parents, your partner or your best friend.

Say Yes to yourself and your Personal Team of Light By Registering Now!

This offering was created as part of the New Earth Mystery School (NEMS) Gold Membership. This will be available to NEMS members until the end of 2023. After that it will no longer be part of NEMS. You may choose to join NEMS Gold and have access until the end of the year or purchase now and have access for LIFE!

Purchase this 2-part Masterclass for lifetime access.




If you purchase the event for $144, you will receive the links to boh the masterclass and the activation via email in the first 20 minutes after purchase using the email you used to register.


If you do not see the email, please check the spam folders. If the email is not there, please send an email to

The Master class and Activation are divided into two classes with over is 5 hours of content, in total. We suggest doing the Masterclass First, and the Activation on the next day.


During the masterclass you can take breaks between the sections to give you time to integrate and practice if you desire  or as your time permits. This is your journey and you can choose how you proceed. Just make a commitment to yourself. This is for YOU.

This is recommended for ALL Lightworkers, Empaths, Starseeds, Crystals, Rainbows, and anyone who is on their Awakening Path. This Masterclass and Activation is recommended to anyone who desires to tap into energetic gifts and utilize them to accelerate their ascension. You will benefit  tremendously, no matter what level of spiritual awareness you are at, from beginner to advanced. Each participant will unlock the keys that he or she is ready to unlock, irrespective of what stage of mastery you are currently traversing.

Being in this sacred space with Eldora & Siman can be a very powerful and life-altering experience due to the powerful beings of Light they call into the etheric space. A 3 day cleanse prior to the event is not required but highly recommended and is going to take the experience to the next level for you. In this 3-day period, we recommend a clean diet with lots of veggies, fruits, clean water and advise you to completely avoid meat, alcohol, and dense food.


This process of dietary cleansing removes harmful toxins from your vessel and opens up your ‘Naadis’ (Pathways of light). The more cleansed you are the more light (Healing information) your body is able to receive.


It is recommended that you declutter your space in preparation for this activation to clear your energy field. Set yourself up on the floor on blankets or a yoga mat with pillows – make yourself very comfortable so you can journey inward and receive. You can light a new candle, and place your crystals, sage, and anything else you would like to have in your place around you. Let your family and friends know that you are UNAVAILABLE. Limit any unnecessary outside interaction. Going inwards and keeping yourself somewhat isolated from the outside world will amplify the connection to your guides.

You can repeat this anytime you feel that you would like to revisit the information or dip into the power of this sacred container. Just be sure to integrate the energy between viewings.

You have lifetime access to this workshop.

No, all sales are final.

Send us a message to set up a call or chat with a Member of our team!