A woman burdened with the stress of life pushing away the word stress written many times

Cord Cutting: Energetic Freedom

A woman burdened with the stress of life pushing away the word stress written many times


As the energies on Earth intensify and the forward momentum towards higher frequencies strengthens you are called to let go of your attachments. Cord Cutting is essential in your ascension journey. Negative energetic cords are so common among people and they can really weigh you down, drain you, keep you stuck, and create chaos in your life. The practice of Cord Cutting is simple and life changing.



Cord Cutting Frees You From Draining Attachments


Cord cutting is the severing of unhealthy energetic cords that you have with people in your life. Unhealthy cords can be formed with family, friends, co-workers, and pretty much anyone who you associate with. Unhealthy cords are formed through arguments, misunderstandings, ill feelings, unresolved disputes, heart break, and any negative emotions or events. Healthy cords are formed with people in our lives as well, but do not need to be cut because they are beneficial and reciprocal exchanges of energy. The unhealthy cords drain your energy and keep you in karmic loops.


Cord cutting is a simple yet profound practice. It can be done through ceremony and meditation with the help of spirit guides and angels, particularly Archangel Michael.



Cord Cutting Will Improve Your Relationships


Cord cutting does not have to mean complete disconnection from the other person. You can have unhealthy cords with people in your life that you love, like your child. Cutting the unhealthy cords with your loved one can be beneficial to your relationship with them. Sometimes your loved one will feel the disconnected cord subtly and react. They may want to reestablish the unhealthy cord because it had been an energy source for them. Though, they are often not consciously aware of this dynamic. It is important to tend to any behaviors or habits that contribute to creating unhealthy cords with people.


A woman feeling free with arms outstretched letting her scarf flow in the wind against an ocean background


Cord Cutting Meditation


This is a quick psychic exercise to find out how many cords are attached to you:


Step 1 – Close your eyes, and using your imagination bring your spouse or partner in front of you. Imagine they are facing you, standing about 5-10 feet in front of you.


Step 2 – Tune in, and ask to be shown if there are any unhealthy/ toxic cords between you (as a result of past fights/ arguments/ disagreements, even if you are in a happy relationship.


Step 3 – These toxic cords are usually attached to one or two or even three chakras. What chakras do you see these cords attached to? How thick are these cords? What color are these cords? (The darker the cords, the more toxic the flow of energy).

Do not judge these cords. It’s completely normal for loving relationships to have these healthy bonds show up as crystalline pastel colors and Light cords flowing from your chakra to theirs, which are balanced – there’s an equal flow of positive energy to and from each other.


Unhealthy relations show up as dark cords flowing from one of your chakras to one of theirs, and the energy is flowing one-way, draining the other. These negative cords form any time we have unprocessed feelings of hurt emotion toward the other, and can grow bigger over time if left undealt with.



Cord Cutting Ceremony


Ceremony is a powerful instrument in energy healing. In this Cord Cutting Ceremony you will receive all the tools you need to sever unhealthy energetic cords, be assisted by your spirit team, and be welcomed into a beautiful etheric temple with Angels in the higher realms. You will be guided in a psychic surgery by Archangel Michael and his Light technicians to remove negative energetic cords and attachments, as well as patterns of trauma and baggage from lifetimes. You will then take part in a heart-activating guided shamanic Cacao Ceremony that will help to integrate all the healing frequencies. And to top it off you will receive a soul rejuvenating 24-Carat Gold-Plated Hathor crystal bowl healing experience that will infuse you with Christed Light Frequencies and activate dormant strands of DNA.

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