Tools to raise vibration and remove bad energy are shown: A singing bowl, bundle of sage, incense burning, palo santo, and a few crystals.

How to Raise your Vibration and Get Rid of Bad Energy

Tools to raise vibration and remove bad energy are shown: A singing bowl, bundle of sage, incense burning, palo santo, and a few crystals.


If you feel trapped, depressed, lethargic, or as though a black cloud or sinister energy is stalking you like a nasty ex-boyfriend, it can be a result of having negative energy in your life..


Making it a practice to clear yourself and the spaces you reside in of any unsettling, lower vibrational energy can help you feel lighter, brighter, and more creative.


Regardless of what is forcing bad energy upon you, you have tools available to you, such as smudging, psychic protection or using your Merkaba to clear and transmute negative energy from your space and make space for higher vibrational energy to  surround you.



What is bad energy?


Even those who often possess a strong sense of direction and insight regarding the significance of their lives might occasionally go through periods when their aura is depleted or clouded.


Your body can become poisoned by negative energy. And while you may frequently tolerate negativity in your body and mind for extended periods of time (sometimes to the point that it becomes a basic aspect of your personality), negativity ultimately serves no useful purpose. Therefore, overcoming negative emotions and energy and maintaining it is a crucial step in achieving overall well-being. You must remove any bad energy from your body to make room for positive energy so that the healing process may start.



What is a Dark spirit?


A being whose only desire is to serve the self, rather than serve the all, is a dark spirit. They can be human – humans who have entities attached to them causing them to act in ways that are hurtful to others. They can be 4th Dimensional beings, or ethereal beings that can not be seen with our physical senses, that latch onto you and siphon energy from you. These beings can attract other lower vibrational events, thoughts, behaviors, or even parasites and disease into your life.


Their presence in a house, office, or any other setting can result in various unpleasant symptoms, including nausea, vertigo, acute unease, oddly negative thoughts and feelings, and much more. If the chance presents itself, they won’t think twice about harming the living or doing them any harm at all. It can be through seemingly normal behavior – like eating bad food, feeding into fear, having dark thoughts, or being easily angered.  Other entities can be more violent. If enraged or aroused, a dark spirit may easily toss, strangle, shove, or scrape a live being.



Ways To Rid Yourself of Bad Energy


Protecting and shielding yourself as well as daily energy hygiene is essential for all humans. Lower vibrational energies and entities plague 3rd dimensional Earth, and so it is important to keep yourself clean of these energies.


People with negative energy must spend some time to purify their spirits to regain their normal optimistic attitude because of the detrimental effects it has on an individual’s life.


Use these strategies to rid your spiritual self of lower frequency energy that can prevent you from living a full life.



A women stopping to stretch while enjoying a jog in nature on a sunny day.Diet and Exercise


Taking care of your physical health is important for taking care of your spiritual health. Eating fresh, alive foods and exercising regularly are great for detoxifying the body and help with the clearing of negative energy.



Burn Sage


Sage has long been revered by Native Americans as a holy plant. It is one of the simplest and quickest ways to banish bad energy. Sage was burned for a variety of reasons, including healing, ritual rites, and energy purification. Sage is still burned today by healers throughout the globe to help the body regain its vigor and health. It has the ability to burn away any unwelcome energy and carry it away with its smoke, therefore neutralizing bad energy.



Cleansing With Crystals


Using the natural healing abilities of crystals and stones is one way to restore your life force and purge your soul of unhelpful energy. They are frequently used in meditation practices together with the burning of sage to drive away bad energy and encourage positive ones. You can learn how to work with crystals here.





We can access our inner knowledge and intuition by meditating. Additionally, it can assist us in letting go of tension and stress, which elevates our attitude and perspective. By practicing regular meditation, we may distance ourselves from the tension and negativity in the outside world.


Meditation teaches you to quiet your mind and prepare your heart for fresh possibilities and insights.



Using Merkaba to Rid Negative Energy


Your Merkaba is your light body and manifestation vehicle. It is an essential tool all are born with but does not come online until you become spiritually awake and learn how to activate and program it. It is one of the most important tools you can learn to use in life.


Because merkabas are in tune with source energy, you have the opportunity to get in touch with your soul’s intention and create any sort of reality you choose. The Merkaba may be set to spin brightly inspiring you to begin creating the sort of life you want to lead and can also enable you to banish bad energy from your life. A significant instrument for energy purification, chakra clearing, and energy revitalization is your Merkaba during meditation. Meditation with the Merkaba is a certain method to access those harmonious healing abilities. Your goal is to ignite your star’s divine potential and raise yourself to new heights by setting its energy into motion.


A Merkaba meditation can help you reconnect with your deeper sense of self while also clearing your chakras and removing blocks or negative energy.



A women sitting on a yoga mat with her laptop sending herself love and smiling blissfully.

Raise Your Vibrations


You can raise your vibration through proper diet and exercise, as well as being aware of the activities you engage in, the conversations you have, the people you associate with, the words your use, the thoughts you entertain, the programs you watch on screen and more. Pay attention to how it makes you feel – do you feel lighter or heavier after the activity and does it feed you and the world with positive energy.



Cleanses the Chakras


Chakra blockages could be preventing you from reaching your full potential. It is beneficial to have a clean line running through each of the body’s seven chakra spots for our energy to circulate. We might go out of sync when this energy becomes trapped or obstructed at times. You can learn how to work with and clear your chakras here.



Cleanse Your Aura Using Visualization


Our physical bodies’ auras, which are energy fields, convey how we see ourselves to the outside world. It could be impacted by old behaviors, lifestyles, or relationships. You can remove bad energy from your body, mind, and soul with aura cleansing.


While clearing your aura won’t guarantee that you won’t have troubles in the future, it can raise your sense of self-worth.

  • Sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing to purify your aura.
  • Imagine that your entire body is filled with white light when you inhale. Imagine this light as an energy that permeates every square inch of the area around you and is serene and pure.
  • Imagine black smoke exiting your body and energy field as you breathe. Think of the smoke moving and disappearing into the ground or the sky.
  • Imagine this bright light washing over every cell in your body until you feel entirely purified.


Healing Baths


Baths can be used to cleanse the spirit of negativity and balance energies. Traditionally, baths have been a time to unwind, relax, and take care of personal cleanliness.


Ideally, those taking a bath to purify their spirits should allow between 30 and 60 minutes when they can be sure they won’t be interrupted or distracted. Running a bath and adding specific substances, such as baking soda, carnations, herbs, rose water, salt, or lavender, can help restore energy.





Living with bad energy is not only a drain on you physically but also spiritually as well. Sometimes this bad energy is of our own doing, and sometimes, it is a result of outside spiritual forces such as dark spirits who have entered our unprotected spaces. Regardless, routine cleansing of our energy fields and spaces, along with ensuring we are properly caring for our spiritual selves, can ensure bad energy stays at bay.

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