A women meditating in the forest sitting in lotus pose. From her heart shines a bright light and around her body you can see her aura.

How to See Energy: Understanding your Aura

A women meditating in the forest sitting in lotus pose. From her heart shines a bright light and around her body you can see her aura.Observing an Aura is a form of visual clairvoyance that can be sensed spontaneously or on demand for those with psychic abilities. But anyone can see an aura, even if you have not specifically honed the skill.


Occasionally, people claim to have observed a friend’s Aura while speaking with them or the colors around another person’s head chakra when receiving healing. So how do you see this hidden, but all-telling spiritual sign?



What Are Auras and What Do They Look Like?


Feeling an Aura is the simplest method to actually seeing one, as your mood can affect the color of an aura. Auras are electromagnetic vibrations that our bodies produce. Some people think that our feelings and how we respond to others are related to the frequency of these vibrations.


Pay attention to how various individuals or situations affect your mood. While you could feel uneasy about certain people, you probably feel at ease around others. You may have previously referred to this as intuition or a gut feeling. Actually, the sensations you get about individuals around you are just natural responses to other people’s Auras.


Different colors are used to depict these energy forms. You can perceive the energy around another person when you glimpse their Aura. This energy can come in various forms, hues, and even several layers of light and color.



What are the benefits of knowing your Aura colors?


So what exactly do you get when you are aware of your own Aura color or are able to see the Auras of others? Our Auras fundamentally influence every aspect of our lives and personalities, from the kinds of professions we prefer and the best ways to exercise to how we interact socially with others.


Auras can, at the very least, teach us more about ourselves and others around us. Consider it as a complementary spiritual instrument similar to astrology in your tool belt. We can more clearly display our genuine selves by observing our Aura colors and understanding their significance.


Knowing your Aura colors also helps you realize when your Aura is in trouble and may need Aura healing.



How to Perform Aura Healing and Cleansing


Your Aura field is capable of picking up strange information from other individuals. As a result, clearing your Aura is a crucial practice. It is advised to smudge oneself and make the intention to clear your Aura of anything harmful.


Bright Rainbow light surrounding a meditating figure. Some light shines through their central body column and trees are seen in the background.

Crystals also have the ability to purify the Aura. Simply set an intention for your preferred gemstone and hold it whenever you’re feeling a bit off. Selenite is a mineral that is very effective for cleaning. It’s essentially a salt, and salt is an incredibly effective energy neutralizer. Learn how to heal yourself with crystals with simple everyday and powerful techniques that will transform how you feel.


Sage, salt baths, and crystals, standing barefoot on the ground outside are all effective technique to clear your Aura.



Can Auras Be Damaged?


Auras can develop holes and tears from negative thoughts and behavior patterns that lower your vibration.


You can also develop holes and tears from going out in the world and interacting with lower vibrational energies, or if you have an argument with someone or a traumatic event.


When there are holes in your Aura, you can leak energy making you feel off, lacking confidence, creativity, and weak in your boundaries. You may not feel like your authentic self. It is important to know how to repair your aura and to do so on a regular basis.


You can learn how to repair your aura along with other important energetic techniques here. You can also learn how to protect yourself from lower vibrational energies so you don’t have constant problems with tears in your aura.



See Auras By Opening Your Third Eye Chakra


You can train yourself to see Auras. Having an open Third Eye will help you see Auras more clearly. To unblock the Third Eye eye, a chakra intimately associated with visual clairvoyance, you need to begin with the physical health of your body, because our third eye chakra is associated with the pineal gland. The pineal gland is calcified over time, and so it is important to decalcify the area as a first step, while strengthening your connection with the area


  • Avoid Fluoride found in tap water in some countries like the US, toothpaste, mouthwash and at the dentist. Fluoride is believed to be involved in the calcification of the pineal gland.
  • Eat organic, living, plant-based foods and avoid processed foods with additives, preservatives, chemicals, pesticides and GMOs.
  • Sungazing is an ancient technique believed to improve health and heighten clairvoyance. Only look at the sun at sunrise and sunset.
  • The pineal gland is also activated by complete darkness so sleep with an eye mask or in a completely pitch black room with no light – not even the light of a clock.
  • To strengthen your third eye, try meditating with amethyst, lapis lazuli, iolite, moldavite, sodalite, or moonstone crystals. You can even lie down and place one on your third eye while meditating.


As you focus on your third eye, it is common to experience sensations including tingling, pressure, and bubbling in your forehead. Usually, the sensations on the forehead indicate that your chakra is opening.



How To See Your Aura


You start working with Auras by learning how to recognize your own Aura. You will need a quiet room with a white wall for this exercise, ideally at sunset when the light is dim, and your eyes need to adjust to seeing in the dark.

  • First, take a seat across from the white wall. Your feet should lie level on the ground, and a chair should fully support your back. Spend some time relaxing while connecting to your breath.
  • One arm should be extended, palm towards the wall, fingers joined. As you examine your hand, avert your eyes. You’ll start to see an energy field encircling your palm after maintaining this gentle stare for 30 seconds.
  • Spread your fingers apart gradually. Continue to look at your fingers and the space between them with a loving glance. Do you notice anything?
  • You will eventually be able to see an outline around your hand and fingers with time and effort. You may first experience your Aura as a heat wave or an almost colorless area, but as time passes, you will start to discern different hues.
  • Watch with patience. Simply be present and lightly concentrate on the hand, the fingers, and the space in between the fingers.


With time and practice, you’ll be able to perform this exercise in any lighting situation, including natural light, and eventually even without a white background.



Key Takeaways


Each one of us has Auras that are constantly evolving with us and our experiences. Going down the path of spiritual and self-growth often requires delving deeper into our self, which includes learning to see and potentially perform Aura healing. Once we know who we are today, it will be easier to become the person we want to be tomorrow.


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