A Set of 3 our most Powerful Quantum Healings to clear your field of Negative ET Distortion

  • J-Seals & Implants are Genetic Alterations placed in your DNA since ancient times of Atlantis. These are etheric devices that vibrate in the 4th dimension and are INVISIBLE to the naked eye, but they can be perceived through psychic vision.
  • These devices have been placed in your light body by Negative ExtraTerrestrials in an attempt to prevent your ASCENSION into the higher realms of Consciousness.
  • J-Seals & Implants work by shutting off your channels from higher guidance, creating mental and emotional distortions to keep you distracted and locked into the third dimension through addictions, FEAR, and regressive patterns.
  • Entities are malevolent, non-physical beings who cause trouble and are attracted to lower, darker energy vibrations in humans. They latch onto addiction, blame, envy, FEAR, stress, rejection, trauma, worry, self-doubt, low self-worth, insecurity & self-criticism. They feed off your negative energies and keep you feeling drained, foggy, and exhausted.


What You Will Learn in this Masterclass

Lesson 1: The Importance of Raising your Vibration

Lesson 2: Psychic Attacks

Lesson 3: Entities & Entity Attachments

Lesson 4: Etheric Implants, Devices & Seals

Lesson 1: A lesson in gratitude & Crystal tools

Lesson 2: Entity & Implant Healing with Removal of Lower Level Guides

Lesson 3: Audience Shares

Lesson 1:  Dance Break ; )

Lesson 2: Intentions for the New Earth Mystery School

Lesson 3: Templar Seals, Zeta Seal and J-Seals

Lesson 4: How to prevent Entity attacks

Lesson 1: J-Seal & Entity Removal with Pleiadian Technology

Lesson 2: Audience Shares

Lesson 1: Dance Break

Lesson 2: High Frequency Vortex for students of the Ascension

Lesson 3: Entity Attachments & the Chakras

Lesson 1: Exercise – Identifying Main Entity Attachment

Lesson 2: Entity Removal Healing + Canceling Contracts with a Specific Entity

Lesson 3: Audience Shares

Busy Yet Devoted? Our Masterclass Fits Your Life.

Engage at your own pace with our six-module journey, designed for those committed amidst a busy schedule.

Every single Human Being on Earth is being held back from their highest potential because of Entities, J-Seals and Implants!

This course includes powerful Psychic Surgery Quantum Healing sessions with Eldora & Siman to help you remove these dark interference from your multidimensional Lightbody.

Once these Interferences have been removed, you will feel LIGHTER and energized with more of your soul’s creative force returning to your body.

These Healings Are For You If:

  • You know you came here to be the amongst the first Ascending Waves of Lightworkers into 5D New Earth, and are ready to clear your LightBody Vessel to become a radiant channel for the Divine, in full-alignment with your highest path of service
  • You desire to walk your day-to-day life SUPER-CHARGED, with passion, excitement, and creativity, so you may ride the energetic intensity as a Master without being knocked down by the cosmic intensity
  • You’re ready to CRACK-OPEN the FLOODGATES of Joy & Abundance, and remove all energetic blockages standing in your way
  • You’re ready to fully RECLAIM your power & energy by setting strong boundaries, strengthening your auric shield, and UP-LEVELING your connection with your Spirit Guides, the Higher Realms, and Source
  • You’re ready to SHATTER outdated negative thought patterns, addictions, & behavioral loops playing on REPEAT from emotional wounds that are keeping you playing small and stuck in the past


A Set of 3 our most Powerful Quantum Healings to clear your field of Negative ET Distortion

Valued at $1111 $555

This content is available to NEMS students inside of your NEMS Membership.


~ Chris – 6/29/23

Thank you so much for the beautiful entity removal offering EldoRa and Siman. I loved the in-depth explanations & history of these entities, right up to where in our body they have lodged. This gave me confidence and reassurance, compared to the feeling of fighting an unknown darkness which had felt so ominous. Feeling blessed and full of gratitude for finding the two of you 2 years ago 😘🥰🙏🤗🙏💕

~ Sistara – 6/29/23

Oh woww guys, these healings just keep getting more and more powerful. I saw so many visions in the most beautiful, vivid light I’ve ever seen 🥹One moment I was flying through a light chamber and darkness was shedding off, another moment I saw so many seals being sucked into the Light orbs!! I feel this healing is going to take a couple months to fully integrate, it was SO deep 🙂 Thank you for offering these powerful healings to all of us, we are beyond blessed to be gifted with such Loving Galactic shamans to assist us on our healing journey of ascension 🌹Thank you for helping us find our way back to ourselves and feel whole again 🥲❤️

~ Ariel – 6/30/23

I honestly cannot believe the level of healing & info you are offering. I’ve been dealing with entities attached to drug and alcohol for about 20 years and have worked SO hard to heal this, from shamans to traditional sweat-lodge therapy to 12 step programs. I have been SO OVER IT but unable to stop myself. I faced a lot of resistance signing up, hearing that voice say “we’re too far along this path for that” and “I will k*** you.” After the event, I woke up feeling BEAUTIFUL in my body. I can actually feel that the entities are gone, the unable-to-stop-myself impulse is gone! Love you guys ❤️

~ Aroara – 6/30/23

My thoughts became clearer, it became easy to drop into zero point (feel centered), and Channeling ideas and higher perspectives became crystal clear! I’m more in flow with my human experience, and allowing myself to enjoy life has not come naturally before. The pattern of self-criticism and judgment has faded away, and I’m grounded in a permanent sense of peace & acceptance of what is. Thank you 🥰🌟💛

~ Dawn – 7/02/23

Today I can happily say I am feeling so much more light & peaceful internally & slept almost 10 hrs last night. Best of all I have had no connection to following through on any addiction behaviors…. So much gratitude to the OC team for putting together such an amazing event & holding space for us….. And to Eldora & Siman …… If it wasn’t for you I don’t know where I’d be over the past almost 3 years you have been my guiding light along the way ✨️ 😘😌

~ Ditte – 5/6/24

This was SOOOOO powerful!!! That implant that was removed and it’s like I’m a different person now. I was so hard on myself for everything all the time! It’s like I couldn’t see my power and my Worth. Little things in life would happen, and usually I would judge myself, and now I’m not! I can’t believe how powerful this implant was!! I’m so fucking grateful! I have no words. Thank you, only tears of pure humble gratitude. Thank you!!


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Yes 🙂 And we suggest that you repeat at least one of the three healings here once a month.

Send us a message to set up a call or chat with a Member of our team!