
Spiritual Ascension: Healing, Raising Your Vibration, and Becoming Your Best Self

  Spiritual ascension is a process that happens naturally for all living beings, and for humanity involves deep inner work. It requires you to take responsibility for your actions, your life  and how you relate to the outer world. Clearing and healing trauma, holistic self-care, and commitment to growth is all a part of the …

Spiritual Ascension: Healing, Raising Your Vibration, and Becoming Your Best Self Read More »

WHAT IS a MERKABA, anyway? Understanding how this Amazing VESSEL of LIGHT can Transform your WORLD!

  The mystical symbol of the Merkaba has been found in ancient texts and spiritual teachings from around the world, showing up in art, sacred geometry and recently in modern Ascension culture. It’s possible that you’ve seen this symbol on a poster or t-shirt, or tattoo, but do you know what it really means and …

WHAT IS a MERKABA, anyway? Understanding how this Amazing VESSEL of LIGHT can Transform your WORLD! Read More »

Awakening the Chakras: Exploring the Role of Chakras in Spiritual Healing

  Chakras are energy centers that are an integral part of your energy body. They are found in specific areas of your physical body and represent aspects of your life. Maintaining a clear and balanced energy body is crucial for health in all other parts of your being. Imbalances and blockages in the energy body …

Awakening the Chakras: Exploring the Role of Chakras in Spiritual Healing Read More »

Unlocking the Power of Your Merkaba: How to Manifest with the Law of Attraction

  The Merkaba is part of your lightbody that surrounds your body and helps you bridge the physical and nonphysical worlds. You are born with it, and it is just waiting to be used. It represents untainted divine energy that supports your goals at all times. Knowing how to properly active, program, and work with …

Unlocking the Power of Your Merkaba: How to Manifest with the Law of Attraction Read More »

Activate Your Guidance to Develop a Relationship with Your Higher Self

  Activating Guidance is essential and life-changing on a spiritual path. Guidance connects you with divine support that creates a life of ease and assists you to continue moving in the direction of your Soul’s paths. Guides are loving and supportive beings who have committed to assisting you during this lifetime, and every one of …

Activate Your Guidance to Develop a Relationship with Your Higher Self Read More »

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